Gomukhasana Description

Gomukhasana Description. The practice of this asana strengthens muscles of the back and biceps. Gomukhasana is one of 8 poses described in the darshana upanishad, a minor upanishad text written around the 300 ce.

Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) with Rosemary Garrison
Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) with Rosemary Garrison from www.yogaanytime.com

Go = cow mukha = face notes. Experts believe that regular practice of the cow face pose cures cramp in the legs and makes the leg muscles elastic. Bring the left arm behind the back from below and clasp the fingers of both hands together.

Gomukhasana, Also Known As Cow Face Pose, Stretches The Shoulders, Triceps And Armpits As Well As The Legs And Chest.

This asana is therapeutic and helps in pressure release. Gomukhasana (cow face pose) is a beginner level seated yoga posture in hatha yoga, which stretches and gives flexibility to several body parts including, thighs, hips, ankles, arms, chest, and shoulders. Mukha means passageway or an aspect of something.

2) Keep Both The Feet Together And Place Your Palms On The Hips.

The name is derived from the sanskrit, tada, meaning “mountain”; Gomukhasana helps to elongate the spine and correct bad posture. Upward and downward rotation of the scapula needs to precede adduction to avoid overmobilizing the shoulder joint.

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Gomukhasana Translates Literally As Cow's Face Pose. Go Is A Root Word That Refers To The Senses, Because They Nourish The Conscious Mind, Just As Cow's Milk Nourishes Our Body.

The deep stretch of the hips, shoulders, chest, and triceps in gomukhasana helps to release tension from these areas, which in turn reduces anxiety and stress. It helps in making the spine straight. Gomukhasana (cow face pose) is a seated pose used for exercise, it is widely used for pranayama as well as meditation.

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